Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My guide is not so Rough Cambodia

About Cambodia


Cambodia is bounded on the south-east Asia to the Gulf of Thailand, between Thailand and Vietnam. It occupies an area of 181,040 km ², of which 176,520 km ² in the country. The country has a land border of 2572 km in length and 443 km of coastline.
Cambodia has a tropical climate - rainy, monsoon season from May to October and dry season from December to March. The terrain is mostly low plains, mountains in south-west and north.Natural resources include timber, gemstones, manganese, phosphates and hydropower potential.


Cambodia (estimated July 1993) a total population of 9,898,900. Citizens of Cambodia are known as cambodian (s). The main Khmer ethnic group (90%) and the predominant religion is Theravada Buddhism (95%). Khmer (official language) and French.


Cambodia is administered by the Royal Government of Cambodia to an internationally supervised elections in 1993.Independence was won November 9, 1953, which is the national holiday.
The capital is Phnom Penh.

The Supreme National Council of the flag has a blue background with white map of Cambodia medium.


Cambodia remains a desperately poor country that the economic recovery in hostage continued political unrest and factional disputes. The direct challenge to the country's economy is a serious financial crisis that is undermining monetary stability and the preventionThe disbursement of foreign aid. Cambodia is still recovering from an abrupt shift, in 1990 the free market mechanisms and a cut in aid to former Soviet bloc countries, these changes greatly affected the public sector revenues and performance. The country's infrastructure of roads, bridges and power plants has been substantially impaired, now with only 40-50% of prewar capacity. The economy remains essentially rural, with 90% of the population inLandscape and mainly depends on subsistence agriculture. The statistical data on the economy remains low and unreliable.


Cambodia has 612 km of railways, highways, 13,351 km and 3,700 km of inland waterways. The connections are in Phnom Penh and Kampong SAOM. There are 9 airports used.
telecommunications services are barely sufficient for the needs of the government and virtually nonexistent for the general public. International service limited to Vietnamand other neighboring countries.

Cambodia My View

I have to Cambodia for a number of occasions and each time he has traveled to more Cambodia is not for everyone, it can be an extremely dangerous if a lot of common sense, provided that you use common sense, then a wonderful journey. Due to the fragile security situation, which still exists, I limited my trips to the well-beaten paths of Phnom Penh and Seam Reap.

E 'canreceive both country and city in Thailand, but my days and 15 hours of driving on the back of pick-up went well. The flights are operated by Bangkok regularly on both goals. Visa on arrival and will cost $ 20. You should be aware that the local currency is used little and everything is fixed in U.S. dollars. Change is rarely available, so make sure you get adequate amounts of $ 1 and $ 5 notes, especially $ 1, because almost everything is on sale for the cost of $ 1.


Most of the major attractions of Phnom Penh, along the Tonle River enjoyable. In a large roundabout north of the center of town is Wat Phnom, located on a hill that gave the city its name. The temple has its origins in the fourteenth century, but it was so thick that nothing is rebuilt from the original sanctuary. In the city center, near the river is the Royal Palace, which also contains the magnificent Silver Pagoda. Next to the Royal Palace is the beautifulNational Museum.

In addition to the Wat and palace, which is certainly not the best in Asia, must see, these are mostly to do with the terrible past. The most obvious of these is the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (S-21), was formally a school in the main prison in Cambodia rebuilt in 1975. More than 14,000 people were tortured before being killed here in the south, Killing Fields of Phnom Penh, only 8 prisoners made it out alive. The museum is easily accessible and a must foranyone interested in the recent horrible past of Cambodia. The infamous "skull map" has been dismantled, although still skulls stacked in cabinets implements of torture and disturbing photographs. A walk in this "museum" is a scary thing, since most cells in the same condition as they were left when the Khmer Rouge collapsed. It pays to include a visit to what has happened during the brutal KR. It 's a bit annoying, as you get the feeling thatare sneaking through the pain. If this trip was not depressing enough, the next logical step is:

is The Killing Fields of Cheung Ek, 15 km southwest of Phnom Penh and made famous by the eponymous film "Killing Field". It 'been a place where more than 17,000 civilians were killed and buried in mass graves, many of them transported here after detention and torture in Toul Sleng. This place is a chilling reminder of the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge genocideRegime. At the center of the room, a 17-story glass stupa is the 8000 skulls exhumed from mass graves homes.

the bones are still identifiable in the wells found that the Tuol Sleng and Cheung Ek bodies.Both not for everyone, which is a mild level of mind should see are scenes of terrible war crimes and should be respected as such. They give a vision of the tortured past of the cambodian people. It 'really surprising that sohospitable for all that you've been through. Once you are waiting and hopefully your support with a donation left in the care of these monuments, there are some more uplifting or Phnom Penh.

Cambodian cuisine is a blend of Chinese and French, there are still quite a few French ex-pats living there, if you can try and book a hotel, run by French owners, are usually safe and are always good restaurants. The walk has some of the great Tonleand eateries, but also has some terrible restaurants and convenient. Take a good look at the nature of customers, before sitting down, it is extremely rude to a restaurant without having to go out to eat.

The nightlife is very heavy, especially around the disco bar attached Pretty Things live in young blacks. Just to venture into this bar, if you know what you're looking for and able to handle it when you get. Most of the girls are Vietnamese and they canextremely aggressive in their approaches. I recommend that you try not to places like taste that everyone is different, however, if you want to try one of these bars in relative safety, Martini, near the Sofitel. PYT has a lot of clothes in blacks, but also has an outdoor area with a large screen where you can enjoy a bottle of beer and Anglo watch a movie. For the less adventurous and a fun place for women to try the bars along the river to go. A very safe, the FCC (ForeignCorrespondents Club), this is the meeting point for ex-Pats and some journalists. good beer and a pizza oven for the tires, if the local cuisine.

Most hotels are cheap, near the diplomatic quarter, out of all the taxi drivers who tout for business. I've always found them very reliable and economical. If in doubt ask at the reception, we recommend the driver to put most of the drivers for a hotel, so the oddsthey are about to be reliable and honest. Beware of the taxi at the airport and along the way, there is no way of them again, if things go wrong. I tend to rate with a driver and book him for the duration of the negotiations that I am there. I'm usually asleep in the car when you book them for a couple of days so they are always available day and night. This is a great advantage, because public transportation is virtually non-existent and taxi at night is a risk that you should take.Whatever their starting price sure you set a daily rate agreed in advance, will be more than happy to $ 20 per day. If you offer good service to them can always be a bit 'more if you delete it safely to the airport. Just a word of warning, unfortunately, Cambodia has little in terms of law and order tends to win this some rather dubious characters.

If you are a male traveling alone, you can try the drivers are, and make the areaswhere poverty is forcing girls in the sex industry. Some of the girls are very young, leaving aside the moral aspects of this trade is important to explain clearly to the driver, and you want to bring you the real attractions of the city that this sort of thing is not affected. More people are willing, the less chance there is that we all get tarred with the same brush as the animals who care for children.

One last point or two. Mobile phones arecan not work in Cambodia and international calls cost up to $ 5 per minute. There are ATM machines, alternating with foreign cards and money associated with difficulties. This means that there is a flourishing market for large U.S. dollar denomination. You will see vendors all over the world with piles of $ 1 from them, they are real and useful, as I said, everything costs a dollar, and nobody has to change if necessary.

Seam Reap

The only reason to go to Seam Reap, and muchfor good reason, is a starting point, use to see Angkor Wat. Wat is a huge complex of temples, I will not try to explain all aspects as it is in the details all over the Internet, watch [http://www.angkorwat.org] for all the information you need covered. Just to say I am not a temple dog, but that was amazing, enjoy, take 2 or 3 days. Seam Reap is nothing special, just restaurants and bars for the growing number of accommodation from the basic $ 3 per night FanRooms built right the way up to fifth place new star. The best way to reach you, hire a taxi for the duration of the stay, subject to the same rules of Phnom Penh.

Two things to look really, if you are hungry, the lucky Pizza Company. There are standard pad is extra, happy, very happy and very happy. Happiness is created by the addition of local production of cannabis leaf. You can, of course, the pizzas with no luck. As far as I am aware thatThe police did not (probably heard of the police) are interested in this tool if you need to do to participate then, feel here, if you're familiar with the drugs in Cambodia, the penalties are harsh prisoner. You have been warned! The delicacy is to encourage others related to outdoor cafes along the street, a beer and a bowl of snacks will be served free of charge. The snacks are fried these c *** roaches. I helped the grass hopper or irregular Balout with a beer, buta cockroach has been a step too far, if anyone has tried please let me know what you thought. If you like life on the edge, there are boats from Seam Reap to Phnom Penh, it takes about 5 hours and are no doubt a terrible way to travel, I once did, the security is not on the agenda.

Cambodia is a beautiful place and the people are friendly and hospitable cambodian, can be a dangerous place. Unless the people are very poor, and you will see how very much awareRich. Common sense should protect, but not for the faint of heart or nervous disposition, is also extremely difficult for children, so no hope as a family vacation in itself, this is of interest, please, if you have specific questions you Please advised me know or have current information. I'll post my opinion on another Asian country in the near future.

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